Player Releases & Exemptions

Player Releases & Exemptions


Player release forms are brought to the HRLA board for review. The board reviews the ramifications of each release and makes a decision on the release request at monthly meetings. The release form must be sent to the President 7 days before the board meetings so all executive can review. The release is then sent to the local governing body (CDLA) for other club concerns and signatures. These releases usually set precedents and are reviewed thoroughly. Upon written approval, the player is released from HRLA to other clubs. HRLA may initiate a release due to low enrollment in any particular age group. These are yearly releases only.

Player Release Form



Each year some players are exempt from playing in their “natural” birth age division. Common reasons are height and weight compared to the player's peer group. Some are for convenience (two kids in two separate divisions, one year apart). The process of this form is that the parent fills it out and sends it to the President of the HRLA. The HRLA president will notify the HRLA board and then present it to the local governing body (CDLA) before the season starts and teams are formed (early March). Other clubs within the CDLA have the opportunity to object to this application. HRLA, upon written notification from the CDLA, will notify the parent of the decision on the exemption. HRLA will perform due diligence on all applications. These exemptions are only one-year exemptions.

Player Exemption Form

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